संस्कृतवाहिनी Telegram Bot

A simple bot to deliver sanskrit content regularly to your mobile device.



Start Now


Scan the QR CODE or click on 'Start Now' button.


After telegram opens automatically, type or select /start command.


Click the link sent to you to select and customize to your needs.


Here is the list of available subscriptions offered by SamskritaVaahini for free of cost. If you are looking for any specific subscription in this list, please let us know.

One Word Everyday

One word from any selected dictionary of your choice is published daily to you.

Glossary Word

One word from any selected glossary category of your choice is published daily to you.

भगवद्गीता - Bhagavadgita Shlokas

Start learning one shloka every day. This can send shlokas in sequence from the chapter you wish or it can also send shlokas randomly.

DD News Audio

Audio MP3 version of DD News broadcasted.

DD News Text

Sanskrit PDF version of DD News broadcasted.

DD News Video (Podcast)

DD Video Podcast is published regularly on YouTube Channel 'DD News'. Enable this to get this content.

DD News Vaartavali

Vartavali : Weekly sanskrit Magazine is published weekly on YouTube Channel 'DD News'. Enable this to get this content.

DD News Video

DD Video news is published regularly on YouTube Channel 'NEWS ON AIR OFFICIAL'. Enable this to get this content.

DD News Video (Weekly)

DD Video news is published weekly on YouTube Channel 'NEWS ON AIR OFFICIAL'. Enable this to get this content.

Sanskrit PaathShala | आओ सीखें संस्कृत

'Sanskrit PaathShala | आओ सीखें संस्कृत' series is published on YouTube Channel 'DD News'. Enable this to get this content.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions

Any subscription charges (fees)?
No, Its free of cost.
Can I change the subscriptions later?
Yes, You can change subscriptions and preferences any time you wish.
What time does it send these messages? Can I customize?
You can find schedule details when you subscribe/unsubscribe. But in case if you do not find any specific schedule option as per your need, please let us know.
What information does this bot collect?
It just collects group/chat id (which is numeric) when you subscribe (No other information is collected).
How can we reach you? Where to report bugs?
We're happy to hear your feedback. You can reach us with Feedback Form. You can also report any bugs or improvements.

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